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A platform for simple, inclusive lessons & resources.
e.g.: eye contact, matching, yes/no responding
Why Us
Why Us
Whether you are a parent, teacher, or therapist, INCLUSIVE LESSONS is about simplifying teaching so you can focus on what is most important: our children.
Our inclusive lessons are...
Easy to search & find
Easy to understand & follow
Easy as child's play!
How It Works
1. Set Goals
Our library of lessons are based on common goals, parent concern's, and parent's priorities - easily ensuring that your instruction is purposeful
2. No Sweat Prep
Get set up for instant success with our optional access to supplemental materials / resources for selected lessons!
3. Ready for Action!
Coming soon! Our optional data collection templates come pre-populated with targets from your selected lessons - allowing you to focus on progress, not paperwork!
How It Works
Everyone can soar to new heights with
Set up for Success!
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